Monday, April 29, 2013

Leadman Race

ok ok. So I am not the best or most timely blogger but it is getting done.  I'm sure you were on the edge of your seat just dying to read another chapter in my life adventure!!! Well I have a ton to fill you in on.
Leadman Marquee
Don't look too excited Coach!!
My first race of the season. Sooooo much fun!! This race was long, hard, and hot(far different from my love life;)) 125 kilometers was definitely farther than I had originally thought.  This is the main reason they need to teach the metric system in schools I think.  The swim was the longest swim I have ever done in a race(1.7 miles) and I came out of the water in 2nd place for my wave which was all of the age group women age 0-39.  It was just me and one other girl out on the bike and I was excited and having fun when 30 minutes into the bike I heard the "thud thud thud" sound of my borrowed carbon wheels (thanks Tim!) against the asphalt.   Bummer huh? Good thing I have actually practiced for this scenario and am a decent tube changer.  This little hiccup in my race probably cost 5-10 minutes and a sweet sweet guy gave me some CO2.  By this time 8-10 girls had passed me and I could see them all during the entire bike portion because the 4 loops on the bike were so loopy you could see exactly were you were placed. I knew I didn't have a chance of winning but I could see I was keeping a steady pace and gaining on them a bit but I just couldn't catch them dang it!!! It was super hot and I was kind of getting a heat headache but all in all I felt great. I was so confident and happy just to be out there racing and having fun.  I always feel like the run is the happiest part of the race because it means you are almost done and are going to make it!!! I was able to catch a lot of people on the run and probably 8 or 9 were women but it was impossible to tell where I was with all of the different waves of people.  I didn't even care at this point what place I got.  It has been a long winter and it was so great to dust off the race gear and shake out my race legs and go to beautiful warm Arizona with friends and teammates.  

Special note to Steve Alschuler- you got chicked!!!!!!!!! Can't wait for our rematch at Deuces!!!! Bring it!!!!!


If I am going to be the number one Paleo Princess in this universe I have got to stop eating ice cream cones.  Seriously.  Walking around my apartment in my underwear and eating Nutella with my fingers is not Paleo Princess behavior and it must be stopped!!   I can give up cheese, bread, beans, or potatoes for the rest of my life and not care one bit but I just cannot live without at least one sweet a day.  In order to fix this I am trying to be better and have paleo sweets on hand just in case my sweet tooth kicks in.  So this is a recipe for paleo "granola" bars that is delish and has chocolate chips so it can satisfy a sweet craving.  enjoy:) 
yummy yummy!!! this batch has chopped dates and a chai tea bag
1.5 cups sliced almonds
2 cups unsweetened shredded coconut
1/3 cup pepitas chopped
1/2 cup almond flour
3 tbsp chia seeds
3/4 cup mini choc chips
1/3 cup chopped nuts (any kind)
1/3 cup coconut oil
1/4 cup almond butter
1/4 cup honey
1/4 cup water
3/4 tsp baking soda
1 tbsp vanilla extract
1/2 tsp cinnamon

Add water to chia seeds and let sit 5 minutes or so. Add other wet ingredients to this and mix well.
Then add all dry ingredients making sure it is evenly mixed. I like to add a handful of cranberries to mine and you can add whatever just make sure that the wet to dry ratio stays about like this. I worked hard to perfect this dang recipe!! Next spread on a cookie sheet over foil and bake for 20 minutes at 325. When you take them out of the oven squish them flat with a spatula and put in the fridge to cool. Cut into bars and enjoy:)