Wednesday, August 13, 2014


A few weeks ago I was feeling pretty bummed out and unmotivated in my training.  I was qualified and signed up for the World Championship 70.3 in Mont Tremblant, Quebec, Canada but I could no longer afford to go.  This was supposed to be the one year I was going to be able to go but the winds had changed direction and I was no longer going.  Feeling discouraged I was telling a friend about my dilemma when she suggested to set up a account and raise some money for my trip from friends and family.  Originally I told her it would never work because nobody would donate.  I was getting ready to start washing some cars in my bikini or  to start making cookies and have a bake sale.  I would have to sell a few truck loads full of cookies to make $3000.00 and I have never washed a car so I set up the website.  Man was I wrong!!!  I emailed out the link and the first day it was up on Facebook I had raised $1500.00. 

Words cannot begin to explain how happy and special and wonderful and loved this makes me feel.  People are still writing me the  kindest words of encouragement and are donating far more than I could have ever hoped for.  People I have never met have also donated.  I was losing motivation to train or race again this year and this has given me renewed excitement for my end of the season race.  For those of you who know me, you know that I am the biggest cry-baby and cry during anything happy or sad or during any ASPCA commercial or Disney movie. Heck, I am crying writing this. With each donation I tear up a little bit and I am not ashamed!!!!

  I am so stoked to represent all of you who have donated by racing on a World stage.  Your donation and support means I get to represent all my Burquenas y Burquenos and my home town of Albuquerque NM. Previously I have just gone to races within driving distance that I could hitch a ride to.  Your donation really means the world to me.   Thank you Thank you Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!